Change travel dates

Click on the bus company of your travel to see their policies


You can change the date and time of your tickets 2 hours before the departure time directly in the offices of Albatros, not online.

Online cancellations only allowed when the ticket date and hours of travel have not been changed by the customer. If a ticket bought in is changed in a physical agency of the bus company and then you want to cancel it, then you need to go to a physical agency to do so.


You can change the date and time of your tickets 2 hours before the departure time directly in the offices of CLAP, not online.

Online cancellations only allowed when the ticket date and hours of travel have not been changed by the customer. If a ticket bought in is changed in a physical agency of the bus company and then you want to cancel it, then you need to go to a physical agency to do so.


You can change the date and time of your tickets 2 hours before the departure time directly in the offices of JAPI, not online.

Online cancellations only allowed when the ticket date and hours of travel have not been changed by the customer. If a ticket bought in is changed in a physical agency of the bus company and then you want to cancel it, then you need to go to a physical agency to do so.

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